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Once the landers had sent back the data, the first explorers had been and seen, the backslapping finished, it was time for the Corporations. Mars was to be opened up for development and the MegaCorporations who could see the future “benefits” stepped in, ensuring that the sponsorships and mineral rights were “properly” allocated.
In 2090 the Mars Terraforming Corporation set about making Mars a more hospitable place by sending in Survey Teams to take the samples, map the terrain and plan how to extract the water from frozen deposits, deep under the surface.
For the task the FAS (Ford Asukawa Simplikov) All Terrain Vehicle was chosen to move the teams around. The ATV performed admirably as the rugged, modular design proved its mega-million price tag well worth the investment. Each ATV is powered by Komatsu SlowCold Fusion Power Cube, driving the 8 wheels as individual units, on their rugged, fully articulated suspension. Each ATV can be self-sustaining for up to 8 weeks, with full (if cramped) accommodation for a maximum of 4 crew. It has a modular but complete sensor package that can uplink to the orbiting satellites for Mars-wide communications with the MTC Base Station located near the Pyramid Mountain.