K'Vort Class Bird of Prey |
By Paul Thresher |
Here is my model of the K'vort class bop. I didnt do exact measurements but from other models I've seen and the chart on ditl.com the chart seemed to match well with other ships in 1/1400 scale. Anyhoo, this BOP is pretty much streight from the box except that I added a few windows to simulate more decks. I also experimented with weathering with pastels but they just turned out to be minor scorch marks when I finished it. i still like the way it looks and thats (kinda) what counts. Also, if ayone is wondering why the wings are down... well, who said K'vort class ships can't have different wing positions too!? I've also started a more battle-damaged K'vort with exposed decks and stuff. Ahould be an interesting build... Also the markings were made all by me and my compter. The klingon lettering spells out "beastie boy"... dont ask why I did it - I just did it! Image: Ventral view Image: Bridge detail Image: With B'Rell |