USS Pretense |
By Norman Wong |
I built this model in the early 1990's. This is non-canon ship of my own design that is a cross between the Enterprise-A and Excelsior. The "back-story" is that this is a transport/liner ship that was converted from an old ST:TMP starship. Extra volume required for a liner is added by enlarging and stretching the secondary hull. The time period is somewhere between ST:TMP and ST:TNG. A such, I added ST:TNG styling cues such as lifeboat hatches, more and larger windows. All circular windows are reshaped into ST:TNG rounded rectangular shaped windows. The model is based on a ERTL Enterprise-A kit. I used as much of the original kit as I could. I kept the saucer, bottom/front of the secondary hull, shuttle bay doors and the warp engines. The new upper secondary hull is scratch-built from sheet styrene. The warp pylon is a piece of brass skinned with styrene. No sagging here. I stayed with the original ERTL decals which limited my choice of registry number and name. There are only so many ways to rearrange "Enterprise" into another word. I chose "Pretense" as a tongue-in-cheek way to acknowledge the non-canon design. My original thought was that this ship is a civilian liner. It would have had the "Princess Cruise Lines" logo emblazoned on the side of the secondary hull. But that would have required custom decals (outside of my budget).Image: Aft starboard quarter Image: Stern from above Image: Dorsal saucer detail Image: Engineering closeup Image: Ventral saucer detail Image: Saucer edge Image: Deflector detail |