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USS Pretense

By Norman Wong

I built this model in the early 1990's. This is non-canon ship of my own design that is a cross between the Enterprise-A and Excelsior. The "back-story" is that this is a transport/liner ship that was converted from an old ST:TMP starship. Extra volume required for a liner is added by enlarging and stretching the secondary hull. The time period is somewhere between ST:TMP and ST:TNG. A such, I added ST:TNG styling cues such as lifeboat hatches, more and larger windows. All circular windows are reshaped into ST:TNG rounded rectangular shaped windows.

The model is based on a ERTL Enterprise-A kit. I used as much of the original kit as I could. I kept the saucer, bottom/front of the secondary hull, shuttle bay doors and the warp engines. The new upper secondary hull is scratch-built from sheet styrene. The warp pylon is a piece of brass skinned with styrene. No sagging here.

I stayed with the original ERTL decals which limited my choice of registry number and name. There are only so many ways to rearrange "Enterprise" into another word. I chose "Pretense" as a tongue-in-cheek way to acknowledge the non-canon design. My original thought was that this ship is a civilian liner. It would have had the "Princess Cruise Lines" logo emblazoned on the side of the secondary hull. But that would have required custom decals (outside of my budget).

Image: Aft starboard quarter

Image: Stern from above

Image: Dorsal saucer detail

Image: Engineering closeup

Image: Ventral saucer detail

Image: Saucer edge

Image: Deflector detail

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