VF-1J Battroid |
By Marc Remy |
Here is a Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1 Battroid kit from Macross, or better known here in the States as Robotech. I used the Russian Flanker paint scheme as inspiration and that I have a Hasegawa VF-1J model that is also painted in the same colors. The model is painted in Model Masters Enamel (MME) Russian Flanker Pale Blue and MME Russian Flanker Medium Blue. MME Steel was used for the hands and feet and MME Burnt Iron on the main exhaust ports and the gunpod barrel. The nose cone was painted in MME Insigna White. Image: Rear view Image: Right side Image: Top view Image: If you look close, you can spot the nose art Image: With a similarly camouflaged fighter mode. |