Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

USS Hood

By Jim Silvers

In one of the Alternate Dimensions, the Federation flagship is USS Hood, NCC 1707 . They put the warp Nacelles top and bottom instead of side to side.

This model is the 1701-D Using 1/8" sheet plastic. I carved the panel lines and shape of the nacelle struts, then removed the original struts. I drilled holes for posts in the top and bottom of the secondary hull. Then I drilled holes in the struts, put short pieces of runners in the holes, then glued them in place. Then I removed the neck and glued the saucer to the secondary hull. The base coat is the same color as the model's original color. The "aztec" is done in dark sea blue.

Image: Bow on

Image: Top/rear view

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