Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

USS Enterprise NCC 1701-E

By Charles Foran

This is the Alliance resin 4-piece Enterprise E model. Obviously an easy model to put together and not the type for lighting, although the detail on this model is far superior to the ERTL kit. Painting was a simple matter of base coat grey and a darker acrylic grey for the panel lines. The decals for this model are amazing and if they produced them for the ERTL kit it might go some way to a more accurate styrene version of this extremly nice looking ship.

Image: Portside

Image: Bow on from beneath

Image: Aft view

Image: Dorsal view

Image: Another dorsal view

Image: Port aft quarter

Image: Starboard aft quarter

Image: Aft from above

Image: Nacelle closeup

Image: The bridge

Image: Saucer closeup

Image: Another saucer closeup

Image: Pylon detail

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