Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

USS Alexander

By Charles Foran

This is the second ship I have named USS Alexander after my 11 year old son. He was not too happy when I named a nova class after him last time and a Steamrunner after his little brother so I told him his name would go on the biggest ship I could build and here it is. For good measure I have a Gallant class escort docked on the underside of the ship

The main ship consists of 2 1400th Ertl Enterprise-D kits plus some of the makings of the Future Enterprise set from Starcrafts. I was missing some bits from the original order and got tired of waiting for them so I used what I had.

The two bolted together secondary hulls were cut along opposing lines and grafted together using sheet styrene and plenty of milliput. I wanted this ship to have a large feeling so I joined 2 Galaxy class topside primary hulls to give more bulk. I raised the bridge section slightly just to show the bridge a bit better considering the scale of this ship.

The Gallant was docked using magnets set into both ships to make removal as easy as possible.

I sprayed the base coat with a plasticoat primer grey and handpainted the rest with Vellejo acrylics. For the pinstriping and windows I used various colours of Gelpen and of course to finish I used JT Graphics Galaxy decals with some other decals thrown in for details and blank areas.

Image: Starboard

Image: Forward ventral

Image: Aft

Image: Aft starboard quarter

Image: Bow

Image: Docking mount with escort

Image: Without escort

Image: Empty dock closeup

Image: On patrol

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