Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

SD YF-19

By Edwin Bennett

One day I was poking around the wonderful WWW, when I decided to se if there was any SD (super deformed) Macross Plus stuff out there. After a few different sites I clicked on this site. As I looked around BAM! There it was a cool little SD YF-19. I had to have it. Further investigation brought me to AREA-Tanmen. I believe that was the manufacturer. After a lot of searching and missing I finally found one for sale and quickly had it shipped to me. I think it was 25 bucks or something.

It was a fun kit to put together. I had a lot of trouble with the canopy; I’m not so skilled a vacuformed stuff. More practice will help I’m sure. This being a bit unconventional for the Macross universe I decided to give her a different paint job. I think it came out just fine. My current quest is for a SD YF-21. So far I’m having a tough time. Just knowing that they do exist is keeping the search alive.

Image: Pointy shooty end

Image: Hotty burny end

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