EDF Main Battleship |
By Jason Stone |
"We're off to outer-space, We're leaving mother Earth, To save the human race...!" This is my version of Ban-Dai's EDF Main Battleship from the early eighties' TV series Starblazers. If you were like me, you ran home from school every day at around 3:30 to catch the latest adventures of the Starforce and their mighty space battleship, the Argo. This was one of my favorite of the seemingly gazillion ship designs of the series (next to the Argo of course). It hails from the second season. These are pretty simple kits. Crude by today's standards, but they were high-tech at the time they were released. This is the large version (not the mini-kit) measuring a little over 9 inches. Fortunately, it is still readily available on eBay, along with all the other models from the series. For painting, I tried to match the box artwork as close as possible. Paneling was accomplished with custom decals. I've depicted here as having weathered many battles against the forces of Prince Zordar and the Comet Empire. Weathering was done with pastels. Image: Forward starboard quarter Image: Port side Image: Midship Image: Bow closeup Image: Midship closeup |