Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

USS Dauntless

By Jason Stone

This is Alliance Models' USS Duantless. This was a commisioned peice. This is a very simple kit construction-wise; there are only two main pieces (and three smaller detail peices) This kit is easily on par with the quality of a good, production injection-styrene kit. It's not made of resin; it's some sort of plastic (but regular plastic model cement won't work on it.) Anyway, so no air bubbles (thank God! - I've just about given up on resin kits.) Once assmbled, I detailed with a custom set of paneling decals made in Adobe Illustrator. Easy-squeezy.

Image: Port side

Image: Ventral view

Image: Closeup

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