Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

Klingon Battlecruiser

By Adam Courville

Here is another lighted Polar Lights project. This time we have a TOS D-7 Klingon battle cruiser. This assembly was the simplest to date as lighted models go. There are just two static 5mm LED's and one 3mm LED for a strobe underneath the rounded "head" structure.

Little was changed on the model except the cut outs for the windows and some liberty with the color scheme. The finish was done with Testor's model master acrylic paints custom mixed. The primer was the same paint, starting with black all over then white and finally the two shades of green. All of the shiny parts are metallic enamels. The entire job was sealed with Testor's satin finish lacquer.

All of the lights are powered with four AAA penlight batteries and the wiring harnesses are attached to perf board with strobe components inside the base.

There seems to be little material for research to make this a real accurate replica but the model out of the box details suit just fine.This also was a fun and nice little model to light.

Image: Starboard side

Image: Port

Image: Rear

Image: Starboard side, lights on

Image: Engine's a-glow

Image: Bridge lighting

Image: Circuit board

Image: Filling up the hull with wires

Image: Wiring, from below

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