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Chiss Clawcraft

By Jason Daily

A little bit of background on the subject. The Chiss are a species that are in the Unknown Regions of the Star Wars universe. They were discovered by the Republic/Empire when a young commander named Mitth'raw'nuruodo of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet decimated a taskforce sent by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine into the Uknown Regions, despite having inferior weapons and ships. Palpatine recognized his military brilliance and a close alliance formed between them. That is why the Chiss Clawcraft fighter appears to incorporate Imperial technology in it's design.

This model was my first scratchbuild. When I first saw an old issue of Star Wars Gamer, which was the first to illustrate a Chiss Clawcraft, I decided it looked fairly easy to scratchbuild. I used the TIE cockpit from a SMT TIE Defender because it was easier to modify than the ERTL TIE. I basically then just eyeballed the proportions and drew up some plans to use. I used styrene for most of the construction, but the smaller guns high on the wing were made from brass tubing. The flat pieces coming off the main guns are brass strip. I used a pipe cutter to scribe the tubing on the gun, which turned out fairly well. The only other existing things I used were some wings from a 1/48 laser guided bomb for the little wings on the main guns, parts from a Mk84 bomb for the fairings over the smaller guns, and some photoetch pieces for the detail on the sides of the engine pylons.

I think it turned out pretty well for a first attempt.

Image: Port side

Image: Rear view

Image: Beauty shot

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