Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

T.I.E.-GG Fighter

By Al Petrie

"Those TIE-GGs* from the Eggsecutor..those guys are half cracked!" proclaimed Imperial TIE pilot Brak Trilgar in the bar. "I mean, they have the newest TIEs, on the biggest ship, and they fly like they are just yolking!" Downing another Bantha Ale (TM) he went on the complain: "If they'd come of of their shells once in a while, they'd see the rest of us don't think they are all that they're cracked up to be!"

So...Easter was approaching and I'd had this idea for ages, and then the SSM Store HAD to go put the Death Egg on sale! Suddenly, there's people talking about egg-shaped Star Wars stuff, and I was in serious jeopardy of being aced out again, so ..... I sat down and actually finished a model!

The basis for this was the ERTL snap fit TIE Interceptor. I used the cockpit interior, three hatches and the panel support struts. The egg shaped body is a craft store styrene egg, and the solar panels are built up from a sandwich of styrene, tile shaped being used for the actual panel surface. I painted it light sea grey from a spray can, added some detail paint and viola!

*TIE-GG=Twin Ion Engine-Glorious Grandificus

Image: Left/front view

Image: Left/rear

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